Conference Details

Lectures by Andrew Wolpert and Clifford Venho, artistic workshops, conversation and a festival performance of the Michael Imagination in eurythmy by Eurythmy Spring Valley.

Shortly after the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, Rudolf Steiner gave Karma Lectures to the Society membership, as a call to self-knowledge. At the heart of these lectures is the karma of those who find their way to the anthroposophical movement on Earth. The lectures continued through September of 1924, and Rudolf Steiner’s last public appearance, the so-called Last Address, given on September 28, 1924, stands very much under the sign of this call to self-knowledge for all who feel drawn to anthroposophy. The fact that the address was unfinished is significant. In many ways, it raises more questions than it answers. How do we experience the Last Address one hundred years later? What are the questions and tasks of those of us striving out of anthroposophy today?

Navigating a course of integrity in life depends on not being overwhelmed by fear, hatred, and doubt. These all too human inclinations are part of our earthly existence, waiting to be engaged with and transformed.  Such transformation leads not just to better understanding of who I am in this world, but to knowing, here on earth, something of the greater cosmic reality of our unfinished human evolution. Only from here on earth can we begin to respond with what Michael is waiting for.


Eurythmy with Virginia Hermann

We will delve into some of the unique qualities and characteristics of Rudolf Steiner’s forms and indications for the Michael Imagination.  Through movement and gesture we will try to enter into the cascading stream of cosmic pictures presented in the verse

Workshop with Clifford Venho

Novalis’ Hymns to the Night are a revelation of the active working of the spirit in poetic form, offering a seemingly endless richness and depth to our human experience. In this workshop, we will make our way through the Hymns, opening a conversation with spiritual beings through the poetic work. Through listening and sensing, we will develop a shared inner picture of what the messenger, Novalis, sought to impart to those striving out of anthroposophy. A translation of the Hymns will be provided and some of Rudolf Steiner’s insights will serve as a leaven for the conversation


Clifford Venho is a poet, eurythmist, and translator. He currently works as managing editor at SteinerBooks and teaches literature at the School for Eurythmy in Spring Valley, NY. Cliff is a member of the collegium of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities.

Andrew Wolpert has worked internationally as lecturer and course leader in the fields of Art History, Shakespeare, Parzival, Christology, and other anthroposophical themes. He led the “Spirit of English” course at Emerson College in England, was co-editor of the Golden Blade, and led the English Course at the Freie Hochschule in Stuttgart. He gives courses, seminars and lectures at Waldorf Schools and anthroposophical institutions in Europe, Asia and America in the field of Humanities, art history, literature, and Christology.

Virginia Hermann has been part of the performing Ensemble of Eurythmy Spring Valley since 2013 and a member of the faculty of the School of Eurythmy since 2018.  She graduated from Wesleyan University, completed the im-pulse.eurythmy training in Aesch (Switzerland), Austin and Sao Paulo and has completed the Stage Training at ESV. She holds an MA in Performance Eurythmy from Alanus Hoschule.

Karl Fredrickson taught history in the Green Meadow Waldorf High School for 35 years. Since then he has taught main lesson blocks and advised teachers in a number of schools, as well as giving talks on historical and anthroposophical themes. He lives now in Radburn, New Jersey, and spends his time writing, hiking and being a grandparent.

Sponsored by the Threefold Branch of the Anthroposophical Society.

Register for Michaelmas 2024

*Conference Costs and Your Contribution

The organizers estimate that the cost of holding this conference for 50 people will be around $7,500.

This figure includes support for presenters travel costs, housing and very modest honoraria. The balance is made up of the physical support for the conference, the cost of rooms which includes cleaning and utilities, credit card fees and registration costs, workshop supplies and publicity etc.  All these costs are also modest and include contributions from Threefold Foundation through reduced fees and administrative support.  In addition to this, the conference is supported by the voluntary work of the organizers and others.

If 50 people contribute $150 each, this along with the support of the Threefold Foundation and volunteers would cover the costs of the conference.  We know that some people may not be able to afford this and we want the conference to be accessible to all those who wish to participate.  We ask that you consider making an additional contribution to support a full and diverse participation in the conference.

*Based on 50 participants, this is the amount we estimate will cover the basic costs of putting on the conference. For more information contact Melissa Lyons,

Meals and snacks will be provided by the Threefold Café which offers a health-forward vegetarian-leaning menu with some responsibly-sourced meat options, The majority of meals will be gluten-free (or there will be gluten-free options) and will always have dairy-free and vegan options too.

The Café will be open Friday for supper offering a full menu service.



If you need a place to stay during the conference, check out housing options here. 

If you would like to stay at Holder House, a booking code (promo code) will be provided in your confirmation email to facilitate your room reservation upon completing your conference registration.

Please enter your payment information below:



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