Upcoming Events

Earth Keepers: A Farm and Garden Class for Ages 6-14

The Pfeiffer Center Garden , United States

Come learn all about the farm and the garden and your part in taking care of the earth. Activities include seasonal tasks, relating to the everyday work on the farm, including animal chores and all aspects of caring for the plants in the garden.

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Farming in Community: A Weekly Class Open to Everyone

The Pfeiffer Center Garden , United States

This weekly farm class welcomes all abilities and levels of experience to the garden; work together to accomplish daily tasks on the farm while learning how to grow food and care for the animals as a community. Great for families, those with diverse abilities along with their caregivers, and independent adults.

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EVIL. A talk by Stephen Usher

Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Inspired by the Association for the Rescue of Children conference in Indiana this past March, Stephen Usher is delving into the profound challenge of evil in the fifth cultural epoch. He will explore the inner psychological aspects and larger spiritual questions about the beings that push humanity toward evil.

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The Path of the New Mysteries

Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Does Anthroposophy have a future? This question seems to have been very much alive for Rudolf Steiner in the weeks leading up to the Christmas Foundation Meeting. Was it this question that inspired his decision to inaugurate the esoteric work of the School for Spiritual Science? He knew that it was only through an esoteric deepening that new life could flow into the spiritual work and allow anthroposophical practice to bear fruit in the world.

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Summer Eurythmy Week 2024: A Celebration of Speech, Eurythmy, and Drama

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

In 1924, Rudolf Steiner made significant contributions to drama, eurythmy, and speech. To celebrate the centenary of his courses, we invite you to a weeklong immersive experience from August 12 to 16. Enjoy classes and performances by Zachary Dolphin, John McManus, Sea-Anna Vasilas, and more, with music by Grigory Smirnov. Open to all experience levels.

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Meeting the Needs of Today’s Children

Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Lecture and discussion with Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna for parents, educators, doctors, and others interested in the challenges of modern childhood and the future of education.

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Full-Time Eurythmy Training 2024-2025

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

We're excited to announce the September 2024 opening of a new first-year eurythmy class. This four-year program provides a comprehensive foundation in eurythmy, focusing on collaboration and strong student-teacher relationships. The fall semester covers speech eurythmy, rod exercises, and courses in anthroposophy, biodynamic gardening, and poetics. Graduates often become Waldorf teachers, therapeutic practitioners, or stage artists. Our school, part of the Threefold Community near NYC, offers a vibrant community life with diverse training programs

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Postgraduate Eurythmy Training Year 2024-2025

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Our ESV Postgraduate Training Course offers graduated eurythmists a chance to explore new cultures and artistic approaches. The program focuses on English speech eurythmy, tone eurythmy, and stagecraft, culminating in a performance and local tour. Highlights include working with experienced teachers, mentored solo work, and reviews with experts like Dorothea Mier. Available as a one-term immersion or full-year program, this course enriches your artistic practice.

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Practical Training in Biodynamics

The Pfeiffer Center Garden , United States

Learn and practice biodynamic agriculture on the oldest biodynamically stewarded and cultivated land in North America. Richly embedded within the Threefold Community in Spring Valley, NY, The Pfeiffer Center’s one-year, part-time practical training enables farmers and gardeners of any variety and experience level to put Rudolf Steiner’s agriculture lectures into practice.

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Art of Clothing 2024-2025

The Fiber Craft Studio 275 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

In this course, we'll design and sew garments using cotton, linen, wool, and silk. We’ll draft patterns and hand-sew, practicing a meditative approach. Explore sewing techniques, plant dyeing, and embroidery to create unique pieces. Classes include inspiring activities for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced artisans.

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Frontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

A new part-time Frontier class starts in November 2024 for those interested in eurythmy while maintaining other commitments. This two-year program includes seven weeks of study sessions and independent assignments with local mentors, covering the first year of eurythmy training. It prepares students to transition into the full-time program, enhancing their inner and outer life through eurythmy's unique movement and balance. This is a rare opportunity to join the Frontier class

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Contact Us

260 Hungry Hollow Road,
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 845.352.5020

Fax: 845.352.5071

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