Polarity and Enhancement: The Way to Christ through Eurythmy with Jan Ranck

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Friday, October 25, 2024 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 26, 2024 4:00 PM

A Weekend Public Workshop for Professionals and Eurythmy Enthusiasts

Upward – Downward (“Ascension” / “End Times”), Backward – Forward (“Conservative” / “Liberal”), Right – Left (“Republican” / “Democrat”) – no matter where we look we seem drawn into mutually exclusive interpretations of the direction society is headed and the polarities threaten to tear our world in two – if not twelve! How can eurythmy provide tools to help us find our way through these differences to a dynamic state of balance? How, through experiencing and accepting contrast, can we approach a higher unity? How can we learn to understand and thereby potentially will to love something at first totally foreign to us?

This workshop is a continuation of the themes touched upon in Jan’s previous visit “Rudolf Steiner’s Cultural Epoch Indications for Eurythmy as a Path to Tolerance” but is open to all with no prerequisites. Perhaps it is not by chance that, without becoming political, this course falls just days before the US elections. It may help us discern what can be achieved through positive action and accept with equanimity what cannot.

For more information, visit the ESV web page.

Workshop Fee: $100

Visit the ESV web page to register.

For more information, email info@eurythmy.org or call Eurythmy Spring Valley at 845-352-5020, ext. 113.

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