With Fiona Hughes & Kathie Young
Medical research reveals that bacteria in the gut has an impact on our overall health, and that a healthy gut creates a healthy body and brain. Fiona Hughes, MD, and Kathie Young, artist, have partnered to create a 3-hour workshop that explores nutritional and creative tools to better health.
This fermenting and felting program is offered in a supportive group setting with sessions devoted to healthy gut theory, conversation, and making fermented foods with a felted cozy.
Fiona Hughes is a health and life transitions coach. With a medical degree from Germany and extensive training in anthroposophical medicine, she is passionate about the processes of healing, nourishing, and transforming.
Kathie Young is a graphic designer, painter, teacher, actor, student of the martial arts, and an enthusiastic advocate for preparing and eating fermented food.
Fee: $75. Visit this page to reserve your space in the workshop.