Online registration for this weekend intensive will close at noon on Thursday, February 13. Walk-ins are welcome to register on-site at Threefold Auditorium on Friday, February 14, 6:00-7:15pm.
As we approach the centennial of the incarnation of the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science, the Class holders and friends at Threefold in Spring Valley are organizing a series of Class Lesson weekend intensives over the next three years.
During this period all 19 Lessons will have been heard in this context. Each weekend intensive is designed to focus on three or four Lessons, beginning in February 2020 with the first four. This effort could culminate in a full 19 Lessons conference in August 2023 or 2024.
These intensives are meant to provide Class members with the opportunity to deepen their access to and their experience with the mantras. A more comprehensive overview of the Class is also made possible.
The Class holders in Spring Valley are intentionally linking these weekends with two special festival times, during which we consciously seek connection with human souls not currently incarnated on earth: “All Souls” in November and a “Festival for the Unborn” in February. This aspect is clearly quite new and we hope well worth exploring.
Friday, February 14
7:15pm: Welcome
8:00pm: Class Lesson 1
Saturday, February 15
9:30am: Class Lesson 210:30am: Break
11:00am: Conversation and eurythmy
12:30pm: Lunch at Threefold Café
3:15pm: Speech and conversation
4:15–4:45pm: Break
5:00pm: Class Lesson 3
6:15pm: Supper at Threefold Café
8:00pm: Festival for the Unborn at Threefold Auditorium
Sunday, February 16
9:30am: Class Lesson 4
10:30am: Break
11:15am: Conversation, looking ahead and closing with speech
Registration, Meals, and Housing
The conference is free, but a voluntary contribution ($50.00-$100.00 range) is suggested to cover administrative and facility expenses. A meal plan for Saturday lunch and supper at Threefold Café is being offered for $34.00. Information about visitor housing at Threefold can be found at this page, and helpful directions are here.
To register: Scroll down to register online, or click here to download a printable registration form (PDF).
Proposed Future Conference Dates
November 2020: Lessons 5–7
February 2021: Lessons 8–10
November 2021: Lessons 11–13
February 2022: Lessons 14-16
November 2022: Lessons 17-19
For the planning group in Spring Valley: Barbara Renold, Judith Brockway-Aventuro, Dorothea Mier, Dr. Gerald Karnow, Herbert Hagens, and the Threefold Festival Group.
Online registration for this weekend intensive will close at noon on Thursday, February 13. Walk-ins are welcome to register on-site at Threefold Auditorium on Friday, February 14, 6:00-7:15pm.