Saturday, October 12, 2024, 8:00PM
More than ever, the Light Eurythmy Ensemble is seeking the connection between nature and human beings, to find what lies behind, above, within, and underneath the surface of matter. Light of the Earth features poetry by Yeats, Hopkins, Hildegard von Bingen, and Rudolf Steiner, with music by Chopin, Debussy, and Rio Peter-iwamatsu. The program will also include Grimm’s tale of The Fisherman’s Wife. The Ensemble is a professional group from Dornach, Switzerland, that for the past 20 years has been traveling to countless countries around the globe with programs in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian.
Suggested Admission: $20/12 (but no one should stay away for financial reasons)
For more information contact Eurythmy Spring Valley at 845-352-5020, ext. 113 or