Parzival: A Story for Our Time

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A Course on Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival by Karl Fredrickson
Monday, February 24, through Friday, February 28.
11: 15 am – 12:25 pm

“Open up! – To whom? Who are you? – I wish to enter your heart. – Then it is a small space you wish. – What does that matter? Though I scarcely find room, you will have no need to complain of crowding. I will tell you now of wondrous things. – Oh, is it you, Lady Adventure?” (Book Nine of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival)

In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, we are lifted to the pinnacle of the High Medieval imagination, where the bravery and courtesy of men come to meet the steadfastness and gentleness of women. We have the joy of new adventures, on the one hand, and the deepest grief and suffering, on the other. We move between the Court of Arthur and the Circle of the Grail, from Munsalvaesche to the Castle of Wonders, from Parzival to Gawain. And throughout the grand knightly adventures, we find scenes of the greatest tenderness as well as charming moments of humor.

For Wolfram, the world was a soulscape filled with goodness and meaning. As we accompany Parzival on his long and winding journey to the Grail, we will approach themes of self-discovery, facing failure and a devotion to ideals that have much to say for our own times.

As Laura Freeburn puts it, “a long engagement with this story will feel like an exhaustive tour of a Gothic cathedral that leaves you spent but filled with admiration.”

Course Fee: $100 (regular), $60 (students and seniors)

For additional information about the course, please email

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