An Anthroposophic Nursing Course
Rhythmical Einreibung (RE) is a nursing treatment that gently enlivens, warms and nurtures the whole human being through the conscious application of qualities of touch and therapeutic oils.
This RE Part 3 course is for nurses, therapists, care givers and parents. Completion of RE Parts 1 and 2 are required and a recommendation from a RE Teacher is prerequisite for entry into RE Part 3.
Janice Balaskas, RN, is an Anthroposophic Nurse Specialist, Rhythmical Einreibungen Specialist and Teacher and Rhythmical Massage Therapist. She teaches RE in the USA, Europe and Asia.
Judith Brockway-Aventuro, RN, BSN, is an Anthroposophic Nurse Specialist, Rhythmical Einreibungen Specialist and Teacher and Rhythmical Massage Therapist. She teaches RE in the USA.
Information, and to register: Visit this page.