Therapeutic Eurythmy Course with Raven Garland

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In Eurythmy as Visible Singing, Rudolf Steiner said that in earlier times, the musical element itself was recognized as a means of healing. Because the musical element comes especially to the fore in eurythmy, so the therapeutic forces of the musical element must also come to the fore with efficient therapy.

Participants in this workshop will experience how the elements of music and tone eurythmy can remind us of our wholeness as individuals and in relation to each other. No experience is necessary. This class is open to all.

Raven Garland is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts (MA Music), Eurythmy Spring Valley, and the Therapeutic Eurythmy Training of North America. She teaches eurythmy at the Wasatch Waldorf Charter School in Salt Lake City, UT, and she is adjunct faculty at TETNA, the graduate eurythmy training in therapeutic eurythmy.

Information, and to register: Visit this page.

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260 Hungry Hollow Road,
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 845.352.5020

Fax: 845.352.5071

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