Working with the Healing Power of the Gospel in our Lives: a Weekend Workshop with Lory Widmer Hess

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October 18-20, 2024

Friday evening talk: 7:30 PM

Saturday morning workshop: 9:00 AM – noon

Sunday sharing from 12:15 PM -1:30 (after the Sunday service)

Lory’s workshop is born out of her newly published book entitled When Fragments Make a Whole; A Personal Journey through Healing Stories in the Bible (Floris Books). Her workshop will begin with a talk in which she will share her experience and process of working creatively with the healing stories in the gospels. On Saturday morning she will invite participants into a process of contemplative reading and writing in order to enliven our relationship to the gospels and the stories of healing. Sunday afternoon Lory will share her own story of how she discovered the healing power of the sacraments.

Suggested donation of $25-75 Attendees can participate in any part or all of the workshop.

For more information contact Rev. Anna Silber

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