Events for March 17, 2025 › Eurythmy Workshops, Courses, and Trainings

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Frontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge

A new part-time Frontier class starts in November 2024 for those interested in eurythmy while maintaining other commitments. This two-year program includes seven weeks of study sessions and independent assignments with local mentors, covering the first year of eurythmy training. It prepares students to transition into the full-time program, enhancing their inner and outer life through eurythmy's unique movement and balance. This is a rare opportunity to join the Frontier class

Romantic Era Music through Active Listening and Imagination; Presentations by Grigory Smirnov

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge

A composer’s outlook on the mystery of music creation, musical expression, and perception; music as a higher form of communication and spiritual activity. The next two lectures of the ongoing series will focus on exploring some of the music of the Romantic era through active listening and imagination.

Contact Us

260 Hungry Hollow Road,
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 845.352.5020

Fax: 845.352.5071

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