Concert Liana Gabel and Moking Sea (Kaylah Bell)
Threefold Café 285 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeLight of the Earth: “There lives the dearest freshness deep down things”
Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut RidgeWeek of Events
Greek Gymnastics with Carley Horan
Greek Gymnastics with Carley Horan
The exercise of Greek gymnastics — running, jumping, wrestling, discus, and javelin — is a joyful pathway toward a healthy relationship of self to world, and helps build the foundation for powerful, skillful, and graceful speech. Join Carley Horan for an introduction to and practice in these events.
Fall Youth Programming
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Learn and practice biodynamic agriculture on the oldest biodynamically stewarded and cultivated land in North America. Richly embedded within the Threefold Community in Spring Valley, NY, The Pfeiffer Center’s one-year, part-time practical training enables farmers and gardeners of any variety and experience level to put Rudolf Steiner’s agriculture lectures into practice.
Mystery Drama Study
Mystery Drama Study
Barbara Renold will lead a study of Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas, beginning with The Portal of Initiation. Appropriate for beginners and those already familiar with the plays.
Infant Playgroup
Infant Playgroup
Parents/Care-givers and babies meet for an REI inspired bi-weekly class. Tea and light snacks are served for parents. Together, through our observation, we’ll learn to trust and respect the wisdom of our babies. We’ll also learn simple songs and games to strengthen the bond between a care-giver and a baby.
All Souls Speech Chorus
All Souls Speech Chorus
The Fall Speech Chorus will meet on Saturday mornings to prepare choral pieces to offer at the Threefold community Festival of All Souls.
Autumn Tag Sale Fundraiser
Autumn Tag Sale Fundraiser
Friday and Saturday, October 11-12th Friday: noon - 5pm Saturday 9am - 5pm Furniture, clothing, linens, home accessories, jewelry, kitchenware & bath items, tools, electronics Come rain or shine! For questions or donation info text 914-705-3021
Monday Night Music Salon is back!
Monday Night Music Salon is back!
Join us for a monthly Music Salon where we gather in a Café atmosphere for artistic sharing and time together in community.
Concert Liana Gabel and Moking Sea (Kaylah Bell)
Concert Liana Gabel and Moking Sea (Kaylah Bell)
Liana Gebel, Moking Sea (Kaylah Bell) and Earthworm will be putting on a special music night of original music. Liana tap dances and teaches her songs to the audience to sing along, as the great Pete Seeger would do. Come out to sing and enjoy music with us!
Plant Dye Café: Indigo
Plant Dye Café: Indigo
Bring your fiber, textile, or clothing item to the Studio to dye. An indigo dye pot will be ready for you. The price is $3/ounce, 8 ounces maximum, natural fibers only please.
Fairies, Animal Friends, and The Turnip
Fairies, Animal Friends, and The Turnip
The Light Eurythmy Ensemble invites you to a eurythmy performance for all ages! Enter into the delightful world of animals and fairies, followed by the beloved tale of The Turnip, in which the whole group's task can only succeed when the smallest, most inconspicuous member of the community joins in the effort.
Foundation Stone Meditation in Eurythmy
Foundation Stone Meditation in Eurythmy
A performance of Rudolf Steiner's Foundation Stone Meditation in the original German
Light of the Earth: “There lives the dearest freshness deep down things”
Light of the Earth: “There lives the dearest freshness deep down things”
The Light Eurythmy Ensemble from Switzerland explores the connection between nature and humanity. Their program Light of the Earth includes poetry, music, and a Grimm's tale, performed worldwide for over 20 years.