Frontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeThe Age of Walt Whitman and the Moral Awakening of a Nation by Karl Fredrickson
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeFrontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeFrontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeFrontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeFrontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeFrontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeA Shovel of Stars Overhead: Where to? What Next?
Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut RidgeFrontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut RidgeWeek of Events
Greek Gymnastics with Carley Horan
Greek Gymnastics with Carley Horan
The exercise of Greek gymnastics — running, jumping, wrestling, discus, and javelin — is a joyful pathway toward a healthy relationship of self to world, and helps build the foundation for powerful, skillful, and graceful speech. Join Carley Horan for an introduction to and practice in these events.
Fall Youth Programming
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Learn and practice biodynamic agriculture on the oldest biodynamically stewarded and cultivated land in North America. Richly embedded within the Threefold Community in Spring Valley, NY, The Pfeiffer Center’s one-year, part-time practical training enables farmers and gardeners of any variety and experience level to put Rudolf Steiner’s agriculture lectures into practice.
Mystery Drama Study
Mystery Drama Study
Barbara Renold will lead a study of Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas, beginning with The Portal of Initiation. Appropriate for beginners and those already familiar with the plays.
Infant Playgroup
Infant Playgroup
Parents/Care-givers and babies meet for an REI inspired bi-weekly class. Tea and light snacks are served for parents. Together, through our observation, we’ll learn to trust and respect the wisdom of our babies. We’ll also learn simple songs and games to strengthen the bond between a care-giver and a baby.
Frontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
Frontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025
A new part-time Frontier class starts in November 2024 for those interested in eurythmy while maintaining other commitments. This two-year program includes seven weeks of study sessions and independent assignments with local mentors, covering the first year of eurythmy training. It prepares students to transition into the full-time program, enhancing their inner and outer life through eurythmy's unique movement and balance. This is a rare opportunity to join the Frontier class
Calling It Like It Is: Uncovering and Dismantling Racism in the Waldorf Movement
Calling It Like It Is: Uncovering and Dismantling Racism in the Waldorf Movement
Sunbridge's essential workshop for Waldorf professionals interested in examining racism in the Waldorf movement and identifying steps we must take to dismantle it. With facilitators Keelah Helwig, Heather Scott, and Vicki Larson.
The Age of Walt Whitman and the Moral Awakening of a Nation by Karl Fredrickson
The Age of Walt Whitman and the Moral Awakening of a Nation by Karl Fredrickson
The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 freed over four million enslaved people, but a deeper shift in American consciousness made it possible. This evening, we’ll explore how American literature, like Walt Whitman's poetry, and individuals like Laura Bridgman and Dorothea Dix, helped reshape ideas of human dignity. Their efforts laid the groundwork for later rights movements.
Meet & Greet: Waldorf High School Teacher Education
Meet & Greet: Waldorf High School Teacher Education
Join in the conversation with representatives of our low-residency High School Teacher Education diploma program, enrolling in July 2025, and learn about the Sunbridge program experience.
Indigo Dye Café
Indigo Dye Café
Bring your fiber, textile, or clothing item to the Studio to dye. An indigo dye pot will be waiting for you!
A Shovel of Stars Overhead: Where to? What Next?
A Shovel of Stars Overhead: Where to? What Next?
A Shovel of Stars Overhead: Where to? What next?” embodies the longing, questioning, and bewilderment that belong to this moment in America, while asking where, from whom, and how something greater can come to be. The program is inspired by the words and compositions of a diversity of artists who poignantly reflect the tensions of their own time.