Exploring the Days of Creation through the Language of Color. An Advent Painting Workshop with Renate Kurth
Christian Community Church 15 Margetts Road, Chestnut RidgeExploring the Days of Creation through the Language of Color. An Advent Painting Workshop with Renate Kurth
Christian Community Church 15 Margetts Road, Chestnut RidgeExploring the Days of Creation through the Language of Color. An Advent Painting Workshop with Renate Kurth
Christian Community Church 15 Margetts Road, Chestnut RidgeWeek of Events
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Learn and practice biodynamic agriculture on the oldest biodynamically stewarded and cultivated land in North America. Richly embedded within the Threefold Community in Spring Valley, NY, The Pfeiffer Center’s one-year, part-time practical training enables farmers and gardeners of any variety and experience level to put Rudolf Steiner’s agriculture lectures into practice.
Mystery Drama Study
Mystery Drama Study
Barbara Renold will lead a study of Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas, beginning with The Portal of Initiation. Appropriate for beginners and those already familiar with the plays.
Exploring the Days of Creation through the Language of Color. An Advent Painting Workshop with Renate Kurth
Exploring the Days of Creation through the Language of Color. An Advent Painting Workshop with Renate Kurth
Join us for an experience of the first chapter of the Bible, as we explore the seven days of creation through the medium of wet-on-wet watercolor painting. We will contemplate the central themes of Genesis 1 through conversation and color.
Bringing Diverse Music to Your Classroom
Bringing Diverse Music to Your Classroom
A two-part online workshop series on how to create an inclusive music curriculum.
Fiber Craft Studio Holiday Sale
Fiber Craft Studio Holiday Sale
Come visit the Fiber Craft Studio in Orchard House on December 13th and 20th. Whether you are shopping for yourself or a handwork-loving friend, you will find: plant-dyed yarn, fleece, felt, and embroidery thread; craft kits for children and parents; play silks, scarves, and more!
End-of-Term Recital
End-of-Term Recital
Join us for an evening of poetry as students of the Speech School share their work!
Making Jewelry, Being with Nature
Making Jewelry, Being with Nature
Create wearable art with natural materials at the Fiber Craft Studio. Guided by artist April Saladino, craft unique jewelry and connect with nature. Open to ages 16+; no experience needed.