Barrel Compost / Weed & Pest Control Preparations / Small Animals
Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut RidgeWeek of Events
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Practical Training in Biodynamics
Learn and practice biodynamic agriculture on the oldest biodynamically stewarded and cultivated land in North America. Richly embedded within the Threefold Community in Spring Valley, NY, The Pfeiffer Center’s one-year, part-time practical training enables farmers and gardeners of any variety and experience level to put Rudolf Steiner’s agriculture lectures into practice.
Barrel Compost / Weed & Pest Control Preparations / Small Animals
Barrel Compost / Weed & Pest Control Preparations / Small Animals
A day-long workshop covering boosting soil fertility, weed and pest control using biodynamic preparations, and small animal stewardship.
Water: Beyond H2O
Water: Beyond H2O
Water is crucial to biodynamics: Not only to water plants, but for the process of stirring, which potentizes the preparations. Jennifer Greene of the Water Research Institute takes us far beyond what we commonly know, or suppose we know, of this element. Details here!