Events for March 26, 2025

All Day

Midwinter Agriculture Intensive

Upper Brookside 285 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge

A festive celebration of the centennial year of the lectures "Spiritual Foundations for the Renewal of Agriculture," given by Rudolf Steiner in June, 1924. We will explore the inner and outer practice helpful in nurturing an independent self-sustaining individuality in lectures, open conversations, and artistic activities.

Decolonizing Our Curriculum


With Martyn Rawson This workshop will provide you with a thought-provoking analysis and awareness of what is really takes to decolonize a Waldorf curriculum.

Contact Us

260 Hungry Hollow Road,
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 845.352.5020

Fax: 845.352.5071

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