School of Eurythmy

The Cosmic Ocean and the Divine Sophia

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Rudolf Steiner spoke about how the legend of the Ancient Egyptian Isis prepared the way for the veneration of Mother Mary and now the time has come to take a further step to recognize the Divine Sophia through Anthroposophia. Hans will lead us on this inner journey from Isis to Mary to Sophia out of his many years of study and of this theme through his path as a painter.

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Romantic Era Music through Active Listening and Imagination; Presentations by Grigory Smirnov

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

A composer’s outlook on the mystery of music creation, musical expression, and perception; music as a higher form of communication and spiritual activity. The next two lectures of the ongoing series will focus on exploring some of the music of the Romantic era through active listening and imagination.

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A Tone Eurythmy Workshop with Dorothea Mier for Professional Eurythmists

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

From the first moment of hearing a musical interval, we enter the realm of inaudible experience. In this course, Dorothea will explore the qualities of each interval and how together they draw us into a living process from prime to octave. 

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A Tone Eurythmy Workshop with Dorothea Mier for Professional Eurythmists

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

From the first moment of hearing a musical interval, we enter the realm of inaudible experience. In this course, Dorothea will explore the qualities of each interval and how together they draw us into a living process from prime to octave. 

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Romantic Era Music through Active Listening and Imagination; Presentations by Grigory Smirnov

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

A composer’s outlook on the mystery of music creation, musical expression, and perception; music as a higher form of communication and spiritual activity. The next two lectures of the ongoing series will focus on exploring some of the music of the Romantic era through active listening and imagination.

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The Age of Walt Whitman and the Moral Awakening of a Nation by Karl Fredrickson

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 freed over four million enslaved people, but a deeper shift in American consciousness made it possible. This evening, we’ll explore how American literature, like Walt Whitman's poetry, and individuals like Laura Bridgman and Dorothea Dix, helped reshape ideas of human dignity. Their efforts laid the groundwork for later rights movements.

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Frontier Eurythmy Part-time Training 2024-2025

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

A new part-time Frontier class starts in November 2024 for those interested in eurythmy while maintaining other commitments. This two-year program includes seven weeks of study sessions and independent assignments with local mentors, covering the first year of eurythmy training. It prepares students to transition into the full-time program, enhancing their inner and outer life through eurythmy's unique movement and balance. This is a rare opportunity to join the Frontier class

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Ethers & Elements: A Lecture by Hans Schumm

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Coming of age and having treasured and publicly shared some research about the four ethers, the fours elements and the four temperaments (they are all intertwined and intimately connected with colors), Hans Schumm will offer these spiritual scientific “accomplishments” to ESV and Threefold audience.

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Summer Eurythmy Week 2024: A Celebration of Speech, Eurythmy, and Drama

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

In 1924, Rudolf Steiner made significant contributions to drama, eurythmy, and speech. To celebrate the centenary of his courses, we invite you to a weeklong immersive experience from August 12 to 16. Enjoy classes and performances by Zachary Dolphin, John McManus, Sea-Anna Vasilas, and more, with music by Grigory Smirnov. Open to all experience levels.

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Eurythmy as Visible Singing: A Public Course with Sea-Anna Vasilas

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

You are warmly invited to this four-week series to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the tone eurythmy course. We will explore the fundamental elements of eurythmy that bring the inaudible experience of music into visibility.

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Eurythmy as Visible Singing: A Public Course with Sea-Anna Vasilas

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

You are warmly invited to this four-week series to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the tone eurythmy course. We will explore the fundamental elements of eurythmy that bring the inaudible experience of music into visibility.

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Eurythmy as Visible Singing: A Public Course with Sea-Anna Vasilas

School of Eurythmy 289 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

You are warmly invited to this four-week series to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the tone eurythmy course. We will explore the fundamental elements of eurythmy that bring the inaudible experience of music into visibility.

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Contact Us

260 Hungry Hollow Road,
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 845.352.5020

Fax: 845.352.5071

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