A Focus on Middle School Science

This phenomenologically-based exploration into Waldorf middle school science will help Waldorf teachers approach science teaching with greater confidence. Through lecture, discussion, and demonstrations we will explore the practice of teaching science in a living way.

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Calling It Like It Is: Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism


Through questions and answers, small-group dialogue and activity, and exploring ways to turn concepts into practice, participants will have the opportunity to increase racial literacy, engage in community, and set personal goals for their teaching and/or administrative and board work.

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Calling It Like It Is: Racial Identity Development


Through questions and answers, small-group dialogue and activity, and exploring ways to turn concepts into practice, participants will have the opportunity to increase racial literacy, engage in community, and set personal goals for their teaching and/or administrative and board work.

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Calling It Like It Is: Microaggressions


Through questions and answers, small-group dialogue and activity, and exploring ways to turn concepts into practice, participants will have the opportunity to increase racial literacy, engage in community, and set personal goals for their teaching and/or administrative and board work.

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Calling It Like It Is: Intersectionality


Through questions and answers, small-group dialogue and activity, and exploring ways to turn concepts into practice, participants will have the opportunity to increase racial literacy, engage in community, and set personal goals for their teaching and/or administrative and board work.

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Contact Us

260 Hungry Hollow Road,
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 845.352.5020

Fax: 845.352.5071

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