“Love Never Fails”

Christian Community Church 15 Margetts Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

A Pentecost contribution by Paul Newton, preceded and followed by a eurythmy presentation of the Hymn to Love from St. Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians. This will be performed by a group of eight eurythmists under the direction of Dorothea Mier.

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The Twelve Steps – a Spiritual Path

Christian Community Church 15 Margetts Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

In this talk, Bill Kelly will focus on the Twelve Steps as a spiritual program, outlining the steps with a focus on their requirement for the individual’s willingness, service to others, and and persistent striving to improve their conscious contact with God.

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The Biography of the Michael School

Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

As we approach the centennials of the burning of the first Goetheanum and the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society, Sherry Wildfeuer shares thoughts intimately related to this St. John's time.

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Are Thoresen: Awakening Christ in Our Midst

Upper Brookside 285 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Are Thoresen will address concerns about harmful emissions from devices we use or are exposed to every day. By finding the mid- or Christ-point in such objects, we can then activate the Christ force that exists in the world even within such technological devices. Online advance ticket sales are closed, but walk-ups are welcome at Brookside.

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The Earth, Her Metals, and the Stars

Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

An Advent Talk by Mac Mead. Some reflections on the earth in her living depths and the stars at this special time of year.

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The Foundation Stone and the Spirit of the Goetheanum

Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

This public talk by Karl Fredrickson is the introduction to a weekend conference, "The Foundation Stone of Love." The talk will be preceded and followed by a recitation of the Foundation Stone Verse by the Threefold Community Speech Chorus.

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The Mystery of Music Creation

Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Presentation by Grigory Smirnov with Christoph Grieder, Cello. The evening will focus on Grigory Smirnov's work Chaconne for cello and piano (2013), which explores the dualism of melody and harmony as an expression of the relation of the individual to the environment.

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Contact Us

260 Hungry Hollow Road,
Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 845.352.5020

Fax: 845.352.5071

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